The most recent portion in the Transformers adventure hit store racks on June 22, 2010 - as a computer game, that is. Activision's interpretation of the Transformers story line centers around what could be viewed as a "pre-quel" of sorts, or a starting point story of how the head of the Autobots rose to his respected status. Fadfada
Prime Before His Time -
Enthusiasts of the Transformer's animation arrangement during the 1980s, and likewise Hollywood's most recent correction of the story, will in a flash perceive the distinction in the new/youthful Cybertronian Optimus Prime. First off the computer game's story line is determined to the transformer's home planet, Cybertron, desolated by the conflict among Decepticons and Autobots.
Rather than the conventional enormous apparatus Optimus Prime, Activision decided to give the head of the Autobots an unexpected elective structure in comparison to fans are accustomed to seeing. The "more youthful" prime appears as a shielded truck mounted with gun prepared to impact.
Source Of A Hero -
The plot of War for Cybertron happens a long time before the Autobots come into contact with people and it could be said fills in plot openings saw during the 1980s animation arrangement that started the Transformers adventure. Optimus Prime's main goal in the game is to energize the Autobots to save planet Cybertron from Megatron and the Decepticons since the head of the Autobots, Zeta Prime, is accounted for to have fallen in fight.
The cybertronian Optimus Prime becomes in some sense, pushed into a place of initiative to test his fortitude. Maybe than the certain, solid pioneer found in the TV animation and huge dollar cinema creation, Activision's depiction of Optimus Prime spotlights on the significant weight and penance of initiative. You could say that Optimus Prime, similar to a youthful, unpracticed general, is advanced before he is prepared.
Prime On New Platforms -
The primary center of Transformer fans, toward the day's end, no doubt will stay faithful to the establishment and become tied up with the computer game's storyline. Activision, to make sure that fans do, has authorized the War for Cybertron on all computer game stages like Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo's Wii and DS.
So far both the computer game and activity figures have gotten great rating from purchasers, yet in all decency, numerous Transformer hardcores say the game play in the actual game fails to impress anyone. In general, Activision's most recent interpretation of Optimus Prime functions admirably.